Sports Are Pushing Limits Of What Once Was Xtreme

How disappointing can grand-daddy's summer be when one cyclist (and his team) after another has to leave the climax of the sportive year. Or sportsmen are getting weaker or expectations are augmenting, but in one way or another athletes seem dependant on chemical support to survive the “Tour de France”.

Let’s face it; sports-equipment is outperforming previous versions, stricter training and nutrition schemes are applied and athletes are being trained by proficient coaches since child ages, how the hell is it possible that they need droggi to be successful? It all is our fault, isn’t it? The ‘consumer’ is demanding too much and the puppets are just dancing the dance, or so it seems. Well then, I hope we got to a turning-point where athletes start realizing that a clean sport is appreciated by the vast majority.

So far for cyclism, where success is mainly based on power and endurance. Nonetheless, recently a drug-bomb was thrown in the golf scene by Gary Player. Indeed, grass-mowing sporters like Tiger Woods seem to be taking hormones, steroids and creatin to achieve more then they’re worth. Digging somewhat deeper, it appears that those substances relax the golf-players and calm down their nerves resulting in a better swing. Well let’s put things into perspective; it’s business, not sports anymore, so why not optimizing your resources?

But…so far for traditional sports. The wow comes from an alternative sport: skateboarding. As grown-up sports are taking it to a next level, so are 'young' sports. Have a look, and perhaps a guess, who knows where this is ending. [Sensitive people should be warned]